WebP Cloud Services Blog

2024.07 WebP Cloud Services price change

· Nova Kwok

We still remember the time when our first user arrived; it was an afternoon on May 30, 2023. Now, a year has passed, and we have nearly 600 users.

As stated in the footer of each of our articles:

The WebP Cloud Services team is a small team of three individuals from Shanghai and Helsingborg. Since we are not funded and have no profit pressure, we remain committed to doing what we believe is right.

Many friends who know our team may be aware that we place great importance on “Free Plan” and “equality for all Plan users.” When we first introduced our pricing plans, our primary concern was that “free users should still be able to enjoy all the features of the platform, and if the usage is not high, they should be able to use our platform for free.” However, at that time, we did not have many users and data to refer to, so we set a rough pricing internally.

Now that we have been online for more than a year and have accumulated a considerable amount of user data, we have decided to adjust our pricing to better align with our philosophy, as follows:

  • The daily quota for the Free Plan has increased from 2000 to 3000, and the cache space per Proxy has increased from 100 MiB to 200 MiB.
  • The daily quota for the Lite Plan has increased from 5000 to 8000, and the cache space per Proxy has increased from 512 MiB to 1024 MiB.
  • The daily quota for the Plus Plan has increased from 15000 to 30000, and the cache space per Proxy has increased from 1024 MiB to 4096 MiB.
  • All Plan prices remain unchanged.

Pricing Before Adjustment

Always FreeLitePlusCustom Plan
Free3 USD/mo10 USD/moCustom
Cache100 MiB / proxy512 MiB / proxy1024 MiB / proxyCustom
Daily request quota *2,0005,00015,000Custom

Pricing After Adjustment

Always FreeLitePlusCustom Plan
Free3 USD/mo10 USD/moCustom
Cache200 MiB / proxy1024 MiB / proxy4096 MiB / proxyCustom
Daily request quota *3,0008,00030,000Custom

This is our first pricing adjustment. We hope that the adjusted pricing will further align with our philosophy and ensure that WebP Cloud Services continues to operate according to our vision.

We hope everyone has fun!

The WebP Cloud Services team is a small team of three individuals from Shanghai and Helsingborg. Since we are not funded and have no profit pressure, we remain committed to doing what we believe is right. We strive to do our best within the scope of our resources and capabilities. We also engage in various activities without affecting the services we provide to the public, and we continuously explore novel ideas in our products.

If you find this service interesting, feel free to log in to the WebP Cloud Dashboard to experience it. If you’re curious about other magical features it offers, take a look at our WebP Cloud Services Docs. We hope everyone enjoys using it!

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